The Media Line: Most Palestinians Support West Bank Armed Groups but Don’t Back Hamas (AUDIO)


Most Palestinians Support West Bank Armed Groups but Don’t Back Hamas
Though support for Hamas is rising, Palestinian pollster says upcoming Israeli-Palestinian poll offers cautious optimism for a two-state solution while warning of the risks of further escalation
By Felice Friedson and Giorgia Valente/The Media Line
Gliding through the maze of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is challenging even in normal times. To gain insights into the Palestinian perspective during the Israel-Hamas war, one man stands out for his ability to provide answers. Do the Palestinian people support Hamas after October 7? Did they before? Is an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement still within reach?
Dr. Khalil Shikaki, pollster and founder of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, shared his views in an in-depth interview with The Media Line’s Felice Friedson and Giorgia Valente.
PHOTO – Dr. Khalil Shikaki, founder of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. (Courtesy)

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