Few answers after one violent night in Rochester


ROCHESTER, N.Y. — In a spate of violence, once again, on the streets of Rochester. seven people were shot Tuesday night in six separate shootings across the city.

“The Fourth of July is too much of a family orientated day, and for us to have seven shootings,” said anti-violence community activist Clay Harris.

Harris is dismayed by the shootings, one of which happened just before midnight at MLK Park. Bystanders and police worked together Tuesday night in the park to save a man’s life after he was shot in the leg.

“Martin Luther King Junior stood for non-violence, peace, justice. Why would — even where it is, but why MLK Park?” said Harris.

Police don’t have any answers and haven’t made arrests in that shooting, or the five others that happened in less than two hours.

Rochester Police Lt. Greg Bello said, “So yes, we did respond to six shootings. As a part of that, in one of those shootings with seven victims, one of these victims was suffering from a life-threatening injury to his leg. One of our officers aptly applied a tourniquet and most likely saved that individual’s life.”

All seven victims are expected to survive their injuries. Police and Rochester Mayor Malik Evans believe the victims and shooters are likely known to one another.

“What we know is that a lot of these are similar to what we’ve seen in other cases. They are individuals with inter-personal disputes that cannot solve the most basic arguments with a conversation, and they escalate into gun violence,” Evans said.

Rochester police say they made three gun arrests Tuesday night — all unrelated to these shootings. so far they’ve taken over 400 illegal guns off city streets this year.

Harris says there are solutions to help stem all this gun violence.

“I’m appealing to all of those who would want to shoot, or have been shooting, or want to kill, find in your heart to start loving one another. Find peace. If you need help don’t be afraid to ask. We’ll help. There’s a lot of people who are standing in the gaps to help,” said Harris.

The post Few answers after one violent night in Rochester appeared first on WHEC.com.

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